Our Bedazzled Dead

BioE put up another post. Good to see her posting a little more often! See it here.
Speaking of posting, I have been remiss and neglectful. I made a goal to post once a week and should return to this goal. Now, true, being stabbed does give one reason to pause and realign one’s life, but it is time to build on the many gains I have worked for this summer.
In the long run? Even if one lives a long time….It is still not much time. Someday? I, too, will be the unadorned dead. But the next time it won’t be with the thought, “I thought I would get more done…”. This has been a beautifully busy summer. I have done my best and changed much of my worst. Hope everyone has a great autumn! (Or spring, as I have some Australians out there 🙂

Down to the river to pray – Alison Krauss

I spent thirty minutes listening to a 3 minute song. Sometimes you just want to hear something over and over. Such a voice! I just closed my eyes and drifted along, carried by that sound. By the end of this song, I wanted to part my hair with a comb, wear a button up shirt, and walk her to church in the spring time.


Great short film! “Ryan, Web Exclusive”

Now and again some of my artistic FB friends come along with a link that I just sit and think, “This is really good!” I couldn’t ever have found this one on my own because I wouldn’t have searched for this person, but a friend of mine did. As a result? I can now think of this movie and say I spent a good 13 minutes watching it. It was worth the time. I really loved how this film visually depicts the ravages of something upon a person, in this case addiction.



Roy Clark on the Odd Couple

I forgot how good a musician Roy Clark really is! Check it out to about 2:15 in. If you do? You’ll probably stay for the rest. I remember watching Hee Haw and seeing him play nearly any stringed instruments but, wow, this is pretty good! Worth going through Youtube a bit to see the other clips of him.

Liu Bolin

The Smithsonian had this small collection of photos by Liu Bolin. I’d never encountered his work before, but was impressed. Worth a peek if you have a minute.

What a great photo!

Some photos I cannot but stop and admire. This is one of the neatest shots! I love the smile on her face and the fantastic colors for the body painting! This, near as I can tell from an image search with Google, is from the 2011 World Bodypainting Festival.

Elegant memorial to 9/11


Left by a badged patron at a local pub in Anchorage, Alaska
