Down to the river to pray – Alison Krauss

I spent thirty minutes listening to a 3 minute song. Sometimes you just want to hear something over and over. Such a voice! I just closed my eyes and drifted along, carried by that sound. By the end of this song, I wanted to part my hair with a comb, wear a button up shirt, and walk her to church in the spring time.


Robotic Motorhead, or some things are just right.

There is nothing I can add to this.


John Butler Trio “Better Than”

Not a lot of time for much, lately, but this seemed appropriate. Enjoy!

Roy Clark on the Odd Couple

I forgot how good a musician Roy Clark really is! Check it out to about 2:15 in. If you do? You’ll probably stay for the rest. I remember watching Hee Haw and seeing him play nearly any stringed instruments but, wow, this is pretty good! Worth going through Youtube a bit to see the other clips of him.

Happy Birthday to the Man of Happy Little Clouds

Google was kind enough to share on its page that it’s Bob Ross’ birthday. Like many others who watched that show, I was somewhat surprised at how happy trees and clouds could be. I was equally surprised to learn that it’s possible to paint with a spackle knife. But, again like many others, I never forgot the immense optimism and just plain fun that Ross had while painting. This remix, I may well have posted this before, but you know what? It’s his birthday and the song just makes me happy.

String Ensemble Performing Theme for Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Fun version of a great tune! Does anyone know who these performers are?

Monday Moves In.

Some nice thoughts about time, but Monday comes along despite the best arguments that time is just a construct in our mind. 😉

Sunday Stayed

Wherever you are, or wherever you aren’t, you’ll get what you want or can want what you get. (It’s a Leo Kottke day, I think.)’s Monday, after all

Seemed appropriate, somehow.



For some reason it was something that came up in conversation a few days back. I got to thinking I hadn’t heard this in a while…Thankfully, the world’s albums are all on Youtube.