OMNI magazine at Internet Archive!

I loved OMNI as a kid! I wasn’t usually able to get a hold of an issue but…I always browsed through it at the magazine rack. Someone posted that the Internet Archive had the complete run of OMNI magazine and yeah! It’s true 🙂

Roy Clark on the Odd Couple

I forgot how good a musician Roy Clark really is! Check it out to about 2:15 in. If you do? You’ll probably stay for the rest. I remember watching Hee Haw and seeing him play nearly any stringed instruments but, wow, this is pretty good! Worth going through Youtube a bit to see the other clips of him.

Happy Birthday to the Man of Happy Little Clouds

Google was kind enough to share on its page that it’s Bob Ross’ birthday. Like many others who watched that show, I was somewhat surprised at how happy trees and clouds could be. I was equally surprised to learn that it’s possible to paint with a spackle knife. But, again like many others, I never forgot the immense optimism and just plain fun that Ross had while painting. This remix, I may well have posted this before, but you know what? It’s his birthday and the song just makes me happy.

Sous Quelle Etoile Suis-Je Né

I’d never really heard of Michel Polnareff, but I rather like the song.


Trailer for Destination Moon

Got to thinking I should post this, too, considering the last post.

Interplanet Janet

I used to watch this on the television after school. This one was my favorite. It didn’t come on all that often, which I imagine only made me fonder for it since I had to wait. I actually ended up having to find out more about the writer and singer, too. A short bio about Lynn Ahrens, who wrote and sang the song.

Autotuned Physicists, Sagan, Tyson, Feynman and Bill Nye

I am fortunate that I got to see Cosmos when it was first broadcast. It was like the high water mark, somehow, for a world that was still looking outwards towards all the rest of the universe and wondering what science could do. Nowadays, it seems like there’s nothing but arguments about what science didn’t do. Or what should science shouldn’t do. Or even what it is. Whatever science may ultimately be, I bet that sometimes it’s probably doing something simple, like looking up at night, and wondering. And maybe doing a little autotune, too 😉 So this little video, which is inspired by a post from 3QD, was a pretty fun watch.